
The art of guilloché

Guilloché is an engraving technique that involves removing material to carve regular, repetitive grooves into metals such as gold.

Particularly demanding, this art requires exceptional sensitivity, dexterity, intense concentration, precision, and an innate sense of aesthetics.

Dating back to the 15th century, this craft continues to fascinate and inspire today’s and tomorrow’s artisans. Evolving from its antique origins, this know-how has inspired every era with its finesse and timeless elegance.

L’art du guillochage

C’est une technique de gravure qui consiste à enlever de la matière et à creuser des sillons réguliers et répétitifs sur un métal tel que l’or. 

Particulièrement exigeant, cet art requiert une extrême sensibilité, de la dextérité, une grande concentration, de la précision, et un sens inné de l’esthétique.

Datant du XVe siècle, ce métier ne cesse de fasciner et d’inspirer les artisans d’aujourd’hui et de demain. De ses origines anciennes, il s’est élevé, imprégnant chaque époque de sa finesse et de son élégance intemporelle.

« Guilloché goes beyond simple mechanics to become an art form, with each pattern telling its own story. »

An exceptional craft

To bring each idea to life, the guillocheur uses traditional machines from another time: “straight-line” for linear and discontinuous patterns, he so-called “tours à guillocher” for circular and concentric motifs, as well as very rare machines called “tapisserie”.

The artisan-guillocheur works with noble materials such as gold, platinum, silver, and mother-of-pearl. One of the crucial initial steps involves meticulously adjusting the machine to set-up the pattern. Then, with skill, consistency, and patience, he guides the burin, mastering the pressure and speed to create intricate symmetrical patterns, playing with shape, spacing, and intertwining.

Like a metal alchemist, the guillocheur breathes life into an infinite array of refined, elegant, and timeless decorations that shimmer beautifully under light, thanks to a harmonious play of reflections.

Within the workshop, six guillocheurs work every day to create objects of unparalleled beauty. Each artisan is autonomous, shaping their own tools and adjusting the machines to achieve perfect mastery.